About The Foundation

About the Creswick Foundation

The Foundation operates on the understanding that the following are critical factors in understanding and supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing: 
  • Development and learning
  • Education
  • Physical health
  • Family
  • Community. 
To fulfil its aims, the Foundation funds fellowships which are granted to applicants who have relevant knowledge, expertise and experience in these areas.
The Foundation encourages applications for funding for projects which are based on the following assumptions:
  • Children and young people have agency and have a right to be consulted in relation to matters that affect them. 
  • Children and young people are developing individuals with innate characteristics including individual degrees of resilience and vulnerability. 
  • It is important to understand how factors such as poverty and adverse life events can affect a child or young person’s development, learning, sense of identity and sense of agency. 
  • Children and young people develop within an environment and the younger they are the greater is their dependence on that environment including parents, family, the local community and the broader community in which they live. 
  • A child or young person’s developmental trajectory is a function of the interaction between the individual and their characteristics with their environment.

Applications may address aspects of the range of considerations outlined above.
The Foundation has a long history of funding travel fellowships. However, it also funds fellowships in relation to domestic travel and a range of other activities. 
The Foundation will only consider applications which advance investigation, research or dissemination of knowledge and information in Australia. Subject to this limitation, it will consider applications that include overseas travel. 
Each application must follow the Foundation’s Application Guidelines, including providing a budget. For the Application Guidelines, see our Applications page

The Foundation does not fund applications seeking salaries or to complete a qualification. In relation to research, it does not fund systematic reviews or projects without ethics approval.

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